Saturday 1 June 2024

Water pump reconditioning part 1

It’s been a while since the last update on the coolant leak from ‘t Kreng’s water pump. Well the leak is still there, and still big enough to ignore. Though it looks like it has lessened slightly. Maybe that is just wishful thinking! So I thought it might be a good idea to start reconditioning a water pump from my spares stock. Main reason being to keep the car more or less mobile as long as possible, and to shorten the time it is immobile.
A short search through my spares came up with two good candidates for reconditioning. Though from one I first had to remove the brass cage from the engine from which it originated. Glad I knew were I had stored my home made “cage-puller”, as it makes this job so much easier!

And this pump turned out to be the best candidate. So next job was a trip to a friend’s work shop as he has a hydraulic press and a lathe. And these are necessary tools for removing the impeller from the pump’s axle, and cleaning the mating face for the seal.

Currently the machined impeller is in an oil bath to aid removal of any remaining corrosion. And the axle is positioned vertically in a support with some penetrating oil on top of the water thrower disc. Hopefully this will come off undamaged, as these are no longer available.
And to end a day well spent on things TR7 I spent a few more hours on the interior for the ’76 car. More on that later.

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