Thursday 5 February 2015

FHC resto nr. 29; First paint layers

Today saw another milestone in the DHC's restoration. The first few litres of paint in the chosen colour were applied to the car. To be exact, nearly two litres of paint excluding the hardener and thinners.
As mentioned earlier only the underside, interior, boot and engine bay were painted. But it does give a good indication how the end result will look. A few pictures of the result so far ...

Only a few more weeks before the outside will be done. Needless to say I can't wait to see the end result.


Patrick said...

Great paint work ! Not sure at all that in Canley factory the work was so perfect.
best regards from France.

Beans said...

Thx Patrick,

Canley was pretty decent but Speke, where this car originates from, was pretty rubbish. Appalling build and paint quality. They were very good at striking in Speke though ...

CraigH said...

Looking good.

Beans said...

Thx ;)