Sunday 26 February 2023

DHC repairs #1: Disassembling the spare bodyshell

With the main harness for the ’76 car ready, and the carnival season over, it was time to spent some time on the damage repairs for the DHC. As mentioned earlier there were two options available;
  • Dismantling the car and repair the current body shell;
  • Use the car’s original shell that has been lingering in a corner of the shed for many years;
I have since decided it would be best for me to strip the car’s original body and repair and paint that. After which all parts can be easily transferred to the repaired shell.

So whenever there was some spare time over the past few months, I have been to the shed to dismantle the body shell. Front of the car is completely bare now, as is most of the interior. And as stated before, it is a bit rough around the edges. But overall not to bad so far. Though I expect there will be some hidden horrors especially around the wheel arches and the sills.

But I will probably first have to spent some time and money on a better system to store the many parts now littering the shed! And a few pictures of the engine bay:

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